Max, also known as Max/MSP/Jitter, is a visual programming language for music and multimedia developed and maintained by San Francisco-based software company Cycling ’74.

[Draft-01] I chose MAXMSP, which is the tool for visual programming language for music and multimedia. Users can create visuals or music by connecting graphical objects and representing functions, with patch code in the programme. It’s known for real-time audio processing and video processing. MAX is widely used for interactive music, live performance, and multimedia applications. For replicating practice, I chose the work by ‘AOKI takamasa’s rhythm variation 06’, which clearly shows how music and graphics are connected together.

AOKI takamasa // rhythm variation 06

Album RV8 // r-n148
Release CD: May 20th, 2013 release 12″
Vinyl: June 10th, 2013

[Draft-01] Max is a program designed to generate dynamic graphics in response to a wide range of audio stimuli. I realized that it goes beyond synchronizing visuals with user-selected music, extending its capabilities to interpret various sounds, including human and animal voices or ambient street noise. What makes this aspect particularly intriguing is its interactive response to pitch and beat, creating an engaging experience. This aspect is interesting in terms of communication design because unexpected/unpredictable graphics created by interactive responses are still visually interesting.

1. Process

[Draft-01] In the process of mimicking the work of ‘AOKI takamasa’s rhythm variation 06’, I extracted the below question.
How can a graphic designer impart the intention by adjusting unexpected/unpredictable graphics created by totally different fields?
I’m going to try to adjust max, which is the tool that I chose, in different ways, change the input and output, or add the number of sources. Then, I will practice how I can communicate intention through unexpected interactive graphics.

2. Outcome