I created a drawing canvas on the left side to enable sound playback as you draw. This patch plays audio based on the coordinates of the mouse cursor’s movement or by clicking randomly on the input field that records coordinate values. This section serves as the input for generating audio.
That means the graphic is creating sounds.
OUTCOME 8 Iteration

“This shift in meaning has the virtue of its vice. Because of its “accidental” nature,
new and striking associations may appear which would have been overlooked in a planned creation”
Adhocism: The Case for ImprovisationCambridge: The MIT Press[1972] 2013
I have created a total of 8 graphics that respond to mouse movements, each paired with 8 sounds.
Initially, the audio transforms into graphics, then the graphics into audio, and now there is a blurred interaction where audio and graphics influence each other. The merging of these different systems, audio and graphics, generates intriguing and interesting visuals, creating new associations.
This word has the semantic advantage of calling attention to two complementary qualities -the “multi” -potentiality of any form as well as its inherent vice-like restrictedness.